New Owner Class #3 (Embroidery mode)
If you have purchased a Sewing Machine from Sisters Too, you are invited to join us for complimentary classes to learn your machine. Most new Sewing Machines will receive 2 classes. If you purchased a Sewing and Embroidery Machine, you will receive additional classes to learn the embroidery feature on your machine.
This is how it works-
#1 and 2 are sewing mode. #3 and 4 are Embroidery mode.
(New Owner Class #1)-On the first Wednesday of each month, 1-3pm.
(New Owner Class #2)- On the second Wednesday of each month, 1-3pm
(New Owner Class #3)- On the third Wednesday of each month, 1-3pm.
(New Owner Class #4)- On the fourth Wednesday of each month, 1-3pm.
Class #3-
After learning the basics of your machine in class #1, and decorative stitches and other features in Class #2, In Class #3 we will begin learning the Basics of Embroidery.
You will learn how to choose designs on your machine.
You will combine designs and fonts to create your own designs right on the screen.
We will edit designs and move them to stitch-out mode.
We will talk about correct hooping techniques, and stabilizers.
You will set up a hoop and stitch a design.
We will name and save your design in your machine.
*This class typically takes 1- 2 hours to complete. Some machines with less features will finish sooner.
*note: If you did not purchase your machine at Sisters Too but would like to take a new owner class, there will be a fee of 35.00 per class.
We also offer private lessons on your machine.
Please call Sisters Too for details. 765 463-6550
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